Busy Work vs. Brain Power

How to Think Big and Break the Cycle of Frustration from Bad Marketing

3 Free Resources

to Help You Break the "Cycle of Frustration" from Bad Marketing
Featured eBook, Assessment, and Discussion Guide from 8Bend Co-Founder, Josh Davis

1) eBook

“Is Your Marketing Stuck in the Past? - 3 Outdated Marketing Models that Are Killing Your Sales"

2) Quick Checklist

"How to Rate Your Business in 20 Critical Areas of Marketing"

3) Discussion Guide

"How to Rate Your Business in 20 Critical Areas of Marketing"

Don't waste any more time in the "cycle of frustration".

Click the button below to get access now.

Are you tired of wasting time money resources on marketing that isn't driving growth?

So many businesses struggle to get real results from marketing. And the feeling that you’ve wasted money on marketing is terribly frustrating. Each time you “waste” money on marketing and fail to see any tangible impact, you fall deeper into what we call the “cycle of frustration.”

Stop Wasting Money

Does your marketing feel like a cost rather than an investment?

End the Confusion

Does digital marketing seem like it's moving faster than you can keep up with?

Avoid "Vanity Metrics"

Do statistics like website traffic and social media followers seem meaningless and hollow?

Invest with Confidence

Do you prioritize spending on other areas of the business over marketing?

No More Dissapointment

Does hiring sales resources feel like a safer bet than spending on marketing?

If so, your marketing strategy isn’t what it should be. We can help. First, read our featured eBook “Is Your Marketing Stuck in the Past?” and find out how businesses are unknowingly killing sales by using 3 outdated marketing models.

Marketing works... but only with the right strategy

At 8Bend Marketing, we believe that your marketing should create revenue growth and profit for your business. We think our customers deserve marketing that works, which is why we’re dedicated to providing these three things above all else:

We are serious professionals, and our only goal is to make sure you get our best work.

woman using smartphone

Marketing for Smart, Disciplined Business Leaders

We know that it only makes sense to invest in marketing if you have a solid strategy. We also know that smart marketing investments are never in “tricks” or “hacks”. Smart, disciplined marketing investments should be clear and easy to understand, not complex and confusing. Smart, disciplined marketing investments should connect with you and “feel right” – if they connect with you they will connect with your audience.
Here’s what you can expect when you work with 8Bend Marketing:
No Large Commitments

We don't ask for large commitments up front

Increased engagement

We create marketing that engages people on a human, emotional level

Smarter investment

We believe marketing should be a smart, long-term investment

Download our eBook “Is your marketing stuck in the past?”

Busy Work vs. Brain Power

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